Adult Workshops

Workshops for adults appeal to both photography enthusiasts and professional photographers. The content of the weekend courses ranges from gaining basic photographic knowledge to content analysis of C/O Berlin’s current exhibitions and portfolio reviews. Professional photographers lead the workshops, share insights into their own work, and support participants by making suggestions for their own photographic works.

Images of Individuals
With Ute and Werner Mahler . Ostkreuz–Photographer's Agency
Objective or poetic, shy or direct, cheerful or melancholy—portrait photography is one of the most important and best-loved categories of photography.
On location
With Thomas Meyer . Ostkreuz–Photographer's Agency
In a portrait photograph, the lighting is a crucial factor in depicting an individual in a photograph. In this workshop, the element of light and finding the right exposure time will be directly addressed.

With Christian Klant . Photographer
The Polaroid has always had a mystical quality as a photographic image and object. Once almost lost, this technique is currently experiencing a revival and has lost none of its ability to fascinate, offering countless creative possibilities. The world of this medium is reexamined by experimenting with emulsion, lifts, and large-scale 8”x10” Polaroids.
Stretch Your Creative Muscles!
International Live-Online-Photoworkshop in Five Sessions
With Anja Hitzenberger . Strudelmedia
In this online workshop, participants stretch their creative muscles by trying out new photographic techniques and strategies. They develop their own creativity by jointly analyzing methods of image composition and visual storytelling. A special highlight of the workshop is the live online tour of the current exhibition in Amerika Haus.