Nan Goldin . Poste Restante

Slide Shows/Grids
Oct 10, 2009 – Dec 6, 2009
Foto: Marc Volk
Foto: Marc Volk
Foto: Marc Volk
Foto: Marc Volk
Foto: Marc Volk

“These pictures come out of relationships, not observation.” Nan Goldin

Nan Goldin’s photographs are as touching and present today as they were thirty years ago. Their fascination does not necessarily stem from their subject matter—oscillating between glamour and the gutter, with moments of euphoria and happiness—but from their radical intimacy. Goldin approaches only those who are close to her with her camera, thus sensitively capturing identity, sexuality, desire, violence, sickness and mourning. She does not just empathize with the hardships and pleasures of her friends and family, but is herself therein an essential part. Her immediate photographs are considered as an authentical image of her living invironment. At the same time Goldin is still breaching taboos with her highly politically diary.