Support and Information on the Topic of Sexualized Violence
LARA – Rape Crisis and Counselling Centre
LARA offers unbureaucratic assistance for women, trans, inter, and non-binary individuals over the age of 14 who have been raped, sexual abused, and/or sexual harassed in a relationship, at work, by friends, acquaintances, or strangers.
Wildwasser e.V.
Wildwasser is a working group fighting sexualized violence against girls. They support girls and adult women who experienced sexualized violence as a girl or young person, as well as their relatives and support persons.
berliner jungs – Hilfe für Jungen* bei sexualisierter Gewalt
berliner jungs advises boys, their relatives, and support persons. They offer training sessions and work to prevent sexualized violence against boys.
Beratung für Männer – gegen Gewalt
Volkssolidarität Berlin’s counseling offer is aimed at men from any social class and of any age who are prone to violence with their partner or during a process of separation. Their counselling service makes clear the effects of domestic violence and shares non-violent approaches.
Bundesweite Frauenhaussuche
This is a hub for independent women’s shelters which works to fight violence against women and to improve the lives of women affected by violence as well as their children. Their website helps find women’s shelters and sheltered housing across Germany.
BIG Hotline. Hilfe bei häuslicher Gewalt gegen Frauen und ihre Kinder
The BIG hotline supports women experiencing domestic abuse and their children, as well as violence or harassment from an ex-partner.
Telefon: (030) 611 03 00
Hilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Frauen
The help line for violence against women is a Germany-wide resource for women who have experienced or continue to experience violence. Relatives, friends, and service professionals can get free, anonymous advice. This is also available online via email and in scheduled or drop-in chats.
Telefon: 116 016
Gewaltschutzambulanz, Charité
Individuals affected by violence can have their injuries examined and documented by a forensic doctor at the violence protection outpatient clinic. This is free of charge and there is no requirement to file a police report.
Traumaambulanz St. Hedwig
The trauma outpatient clinic supports victims of violence. It offers timely help in coping with the effects of traumatic experiences.